Tag: 12-16
The Ho, Christmas Tree CD Will Be Released December 16!
Thanks to everyone who’s downloaded the album or bought the smallest comedy album in the world. We wanted to take up this space on your screen to announce that the CD is coming out next week, Tuesday, December 16th! It includes all 20 tracks and full-color art in one of those jewel cases you might just throw away (we recommend repurposing them as pill containers or as an inconveniently-thin gelatin mold). The first 10 people to e-mail us a copy of their receipt will get a Toeloflex™ Band in the mail along with some weird personalized thing. When you get your CD, e-mail jay AT danandjay DOT com.
As a reminder, you can download the digital album for free at: app.box.com/HoChristmasTree
And purchase THE SMALLEST COMEDY ALBUM IN THE WORLD at: ho.stolendress.com
Thanks and Merry War on Christmas,
Dan and Jay