Posted in Jay Likes To Watch

Jay Likes To Watch… Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor

In this episode of Jay Likes To Watch,  Jay watches as Dan slaughters orcs in Middle Earth:  Shadow Of Mordor.  Thrill as Dan kills generals and Jay discusses the rube that is Ratbag.  Also, Hatoful Orcfriend.  Enjoy!

GAME Middle Earth:  Shadow of Mordor RELEASED Sept 30, 2014
DEVELOPER Monolith Productions WHERE TO BUY Steam, Humble Store, Amazon
OS/CONSOLE Windows, Mac, SteamOS/Linux,XBox, PlayStation
Posted in podcast

Episode 107 – Man-Splained

Dan and Jay discuss the finessing of their on-camera special effects, and invent a new reality show for themselves to star in.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2017 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in Bonus Jay Likes To Watch

JLTW BONUS! “Edge Of Night”

A preview of our next episode of Jay Likes To Watch about Middle Earth:  Shadow Of Mordor.  Jay performs the song Edge of Night set to scenes of gameplay!

GAME Middle Earth:  Shadow of Mordor RELEASED Sept 30, 2014
DEVELOPER Monolith Productions WHERE TO BUY Steam, Humble Store, Amazon
OS/CONSOLE Windows, Mac, SteamOS/Linux,XBox, PlayStation
Posted in podcast

Episode 106 – Small Town Strong

Dan and Jay discuss their trip in The Year 2000 to see Andy Richter’s last regular show on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, with guests Scott Thompson, Craig Bierko and They Might Be Giants.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2017 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in podcast

Episode 105 – Draw and Sing Along with Mitch

Dan and Jay discuss another track from Shoestrings.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2017 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in podcast

Episode 104 – Eroticons

Our third anniversary show!  This week, Dan and Jay invent some new Bluetooth technologies and discuss the thing below:

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2016 StolenDress Entertainment

Audio Player

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Episode 103 – Bluetooth Man Group

This is a TechTalk-heavy week as Dan breaks Jay with some amazing eyewear.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2016 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in podcast

Episode 102 – Saturday Morning Breakfast Music

This week, we talk about the DJCH classic series of sketches, the Pea Tarties.  You’ll understand.  Ish.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2016 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in podcast

Episode 101 – Plastic Scotch and Ceramic Pigs

This week, Jay watched most of all the Indiana Jones movies and then remembered the fictional Indy trailer he cut with footage of Dan.  So they talk about that trailer.  They also talk about Christmas presents, and the Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour tumbler, coming soon.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, came out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2016 StolenDress Entertainment

Posted in podcast

Episode 100 – A BBC Christmas Special

We celebrate Christmas courtesy the BBC!  Sort of.  With special guest Taylor Jessen, as well as guest appearances by Colin Anderson, Stuart Goldsmith, Neil Mason and Gareth Burrows.  We also premiere Side A and Side B of the world’s smallest playable comedy album, Vinyl Dwarf.  You can see the video we shot for Guinness with Mike Dixon of People In A Position To Know below.

Also, Jay’s first documentary film, Lords of Soaptown, comes out on DVD December 6th! Order now at!

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2016 StolenDress Entertainment