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No Episode This Week – So Enjoy Our Free Feature Film

Since today’s a fancy holiday, we invite you to sit down and give a watch to our 2012 feature film, “Looking Forward,” for free.  It started in 2004 as a fake presidential campaign for 2020 (& 2016), and eventually evolved into the feature film, which was completed after Dan’s move to Boise.  It’ll be an episode of this show, eventually.  It also contains brief snippets of some Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour stuff, including something from one of our earliest attempts at a feature film.

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Shoestrings: The Demo (2001) on YouTube

Since our next episode centers around the first track of Shoestrings, (also called Shoestrings: The Demo), we thought we’d bring you the album-ette in its entirety, via YouTube. Enjoy!

Also, you should check out the 100th episode of Comedy on Vinyl – – for an in-depth-ish discussion with Jay about Shoestrings, conducted by Matt Lieberman of SourceFed, James Urbaniak and Alex Salem.

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Episode 39 – Travis Tritt Bring-It-Back


Dan remotes in from Spokane, Washington and talks with Jay about part of the “enhanced CD” section of 2001’s Christmas CD, “Follow That Ho!”

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #TravisTritt
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm

Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2015 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 24 – Skeelz Up the Butt


Dan and Jay learn to edit video in-camera for the first time and discuss Dan’s recent discovery of some long-thought-lost videos.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #SkeelzUptheButt
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm
Subscribe on iTunes
Subscribe and watch on YouTube
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: DJCH AT StolenDress DOT com

Watch Marvin the Magician The Magical Marvel:

©2014 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 22 – One for the Road


This week we talk about Father O’Malley’s video debut, and discuss new possible show segments.  Call and leave us a voicemail us with your suggestions for segments, names for the segments we suggest, stories of childhood injuries, and your emergency calls (entertaining ones only, please) at 208-557-3524 (DJCH) or e-mail us at DJCH AT StolenDress DOT com.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #BloodFlower
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm
Subscribe on iTunes

Subscribe and watch on YouTube

Also, Facebook is a thing.

Watch the first Father O’Malley Video:

©2014 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 21 – Mark Wahlberg Is A Peanut


This week we discuss our first forays into the world of video production!  Sort of.  You know, we were 13 & 14.  Dan introduces the show and Jay cameramans poorly.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #MarkWahlbergPeanut
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm
Subscribe on iTunes
Also, Facebook is a thing.

Watch the Intro to the first Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour VHS tape from 1994: 

©2014 StolenDress Entertainment

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Marvin the Magician the Magical Marvel (1994)

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While You Wait: Some Tea

Sorry for the delay in this week’s episode.  Blame “family” and “catching up,” at least on my end.  Even though I (Jason) edit the show, I still blame Dan.  He could’ve recorded both our parts and put out his own, timely episode – but he didn’t.  And that’s because he doesn’t care.  Or so I assume.  Anywho, to tide you over, here’s a sketch for our second, yet-to-be-produced album, “Jenny Is A Slute,” which has too much back story to cover here, but suffice it to say we do know how to spell “slut,” and that’s part of the joke.  Still, too much to explain.

Listen to “Tea” here, as archived by some old site with our stuff on it:

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter 
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm
Subscribe on iTunes
Also, Facebook is a thing.

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Dan and Jay’s Komedy Hour – Greatest Hits (1994)

As discussed in the DJCH podcast, beginning in episode 3.

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The Headcleaners – Side 2 (1993)

As discussed in the upcoming episode 2 of the DJCH podcast.  Enjoyish.