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Episode 186 – The Praxedes Brothers

This week, Dan, Jay and special guest Ari discuss their super-fun and successful fundraiser over the weekend for Simply Cats, during which Dan and Jay played D&D together as players for the first time in eight years (and which you can watch below).

Watch Meow-rathon 2020 from DGomiller on

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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 185 – Tabaxi Cab Confessions

Dan and Jay talk about a sketch where a cat thinks it’s Santa Claus, and they talk about this weekend’s RPG Meow-Rathon that Dan has been organizing!  Find out all the details at

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Greatest Hits Episode 3

Greatest Hits #3!  From episodes 72, the terrible sounding 75, 79, 84, 93 and 100.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 184 – Hillbilliamsburg

Dan and Jay are back discussing a classic commercial for Toeloflex, and their old plans to buy their hometown and turn it into a movie studio.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Greatest Hits Episode 2

Picking up where we left off a year ago, here is our second greatest hits compilation from the Daniverse and from “around town,” when we get a visit from our new arch-nemesis, Lenster.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 183 – Psychic Blue Box

Dan and Jay talk about a sketch where they tried to do political satire at 16 and 17.  They also speak with Operator Dan and a number of others.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 182 – Moist & Plow

Dan and Jay go hard on an Amazong segment after talking about a sketch where Jay threw a bunch of stuff at Mike.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 181 – Dom-Hoagie

Dan and Jay talk forced perspective.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 180 – Nineteen Thirtyeighty – with Guest Alex Salem!

Alex Salem joins us for the first time, followed by our archivist, Victor “Vickie the Rolla” Victrola (aka Vic), and they discuss Dan and Jay’s great-great-great-grandparents and their cylinders, and what it was like for Vic to work on the archive.  We also discuss Alex’s Danfic.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment

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Episode 179 – Stallion Directory

Dan and Jay discuss a Star Trek related thing because Star Trek is on their mind because show and podcast.  They also review stallions.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #DJCH
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts
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Also, Facebook is a thing.

Call and leave us a voicemail: 208-557-3524 (DJCH)
or e-mail us: dan AT danandjay DOT com or jay AT danandjay DOT com

©2020 StolenDress Entertainment